kindergarten - 6th Grade

Sunday School for grades K-6th is held on the first and third Sunday of the month, with the help of "team teachers." Students will be in church for the opening and then head to the parlor for lessons and healthy snacks. If you are interested in being part of this, contact Pastor Jo. (All volunteers over the age of 18 must have their state mandated clearances on file with the church office prior to volunteering.)   

Please invite your children and grandchildren to join in the journey! 

 Bible Study & Discussion Group: Meets Thursdays at 11 AM – Noon. All are welcome! Bring your Bible and join us. 

Confirmation classes

The Confirmation Class meets on the 2nd and 4th Sunday of the month, following worship. If you are interested in having your child confirmed, please contact Pastor Jo to sign up.

All students shuld bring their Bible to all sessions.



All adult volunteers working with children are required to have all state mandated clearances on file with the church office prior to volunteering.